We arrived in Coll at about 10am and were driven to the Project Trust centre where we were given tea and coffee to warm ourselves up! After that we were given a brief introduction to Project Trust and the staff and then placed into smaller groups. I was in Group G and the other members in my group were lovely. I got on really well with them and hope to keep in touch throughout the next year and during my year abroad. The first thing we did in our groups was to create a structure out of straws and pins that would hold a heavy dictionary. This was an icebreaker and a lot of fun, even though none of the groups were successful!! We were all given a lot of information about each of the countries Project Trust send volunteers out to, this was useful because it helped us decide where we would most like to go! Next, everyone was taught some dance moves, and we got a chance to practice before the Ceilidh (Scottish party) at the end of the week. After that we were taken to our hosts' houses. I stayed with a lovely couple and another girl on selection with me. They were so welcoming and always gave us delicious, warming food at the end of each day!
The next morning, we got up at 7.30am and were picked up at 8.30am. We were given a short lesson on how to teach, then told we had 30mins to prepare a 10 minute lesson and teach that lesson to our small groups. I decided to teach a lesson on Photography and the effect of shutter speeds and apertures. Having already gotten to know the people in Group G meant that I was not as nervous as I might have been, however, it was still a very scary thing to do! The other people in my group taught a range of subjects, from German to Cost Benefit Analysis! After our lessons, we went outside to dig lazybeds! Lazybeds is the name for the potatoe patches, and everyone got involved in digging up the ground and flipping it over, so that it was ready to be planted. Although it was back-breaking work we all had a lot of fun, because it was something none of us had done before. After that we had lunch and trekked up to the highest point of Coll (341 feet) and had a look at the wonderful view we could see up there! We next took a quick look and the beach on Coll and went back to Project Trust to discuss scenarios overseas and how we'd deal with them if they ever happened to us.
To start the next day off, we were given an essay to write. We had a choice of topics, all about general news and we had to discuss our opinions on the subject. Although this was terrifying at first, there was at least one topic that everybody could talk about, I chose to discuss the pros and cons of spending so much money on the olympics/world cups. The rest of the day was spent talking about fundraising and collecting different ideas on sponsored events.This was extrememly useful as I will need to raise £5,100 in total to be able to go abroad with PT. We also took part in a production game which involved cutting shapes in paper that were each worth an amount of money. (I don't want to give it away, in case you play the game one day! :P)
First thing next morning we were split into new groups and given tasks to do in the Village. The task I was given was to windproof one man's house so that he could begin planting a garden. This was tough but I enjoyed it none the less. We were then taken back to Project Trust where we had to give a 10 minute presentation, to our smaller groups, on an aspect of Coll. My presentation was on the wildlife on Coll, and I talked a lot about Corncrakes - the are a very rare bird that can be found in Coll, check them out!!
To end the selection course we filled in a final questionnaire saying where we hoped to go and why, and then got ready for the Ceilidh! The Ceilidh was great fun, everyone got involved and had a really good time. It was a great way to say goodbye to all the new friends we had made and wish everybody luck in their fundraising!
Some of the people I met on Project Trust Selection Course (That's me in the purple coat!) |
I got home the next day and came down with a horrible cold - but doing the selection course was absolutely worth it!!! Now I await a letter, it shoud arrive in the next 7-10 days and will tell me if I have been selected and where I will be going for my year abroad!